The social good network is a tightly knit, passionate community united by shared values, as well as shared goals. As such, it's a space in which a referral or introduction from a trusted source can be the defining factor in landing a partnership or a job. 

Whether you’re looking to expand the reach of your network, establish some credibility, or land a job at a company you care about, here are a few ways to market your skills without spending a dime:  

1. Give Feedback 

Social entrepreneurs and nonprofit founders tend to regularly ask friends and family for feedback and advice. They know that a few key comments on a strategy or campaign can make all the difference in the efficacy of their efforts. As such, offering feedback is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your knowledge and demonstrate your value. 

Looking for a quick and easy way to deliver your comments? Make a voice recording. Tools like EvernoteiPhone’s voice notes or Cloud Recorder  can help you create shareable voice files that succinctly demonstrate your value. After spending a couple minutes on specific feedback points, don't be afraid to throw in a sentence or two about how you might continue to be of service through freelance or contract work. 

2. Co-work

Co-working can be as official as taking part in a program like Goodnik’s in-residence program, or as casual as setting up a weekly coffee date with a friend. The most important thing to remember is that it’s about finding a good working environment for you. At WhyWhisper, we've found that working alongside people who have similar passions and values is what makes co-working most powerful. Why? Brainstorm sessions, problem-solving, and referrals will naturally occur throughout your day.

3. Sit on a Panel 

Social good networks use panels as a way to get to the heart of important issues. Seek out the ones where you can provide the most value while reaching an audience that includes prospective clients and/or partners. Prepare thoughtful and insightful commentary, and pay particular attention to connecting via social channels and email, so as to establish a relationship while you're still top of mind. Your target audience is likely to follow up with additional questions and requests to chat further. 

4. Provide Empowering Environments

Connecting people is a powerful way to demonstrate your willingness to meet the needs of others. In a world of endless meet ups and happy hours, people appreciate introductions that help them to quickly cut through the clutter. Facilitate these meetings by hosting dinners or setting up happy hours with like-minded guests. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, and your guests will be all the more likely to do the same for you in the future.

5. Know Your Own Value 

You have probably already heard that people value those who value themselves. As you establish yourself within the social good community, you will be asked for your input and advice, as well as to lend a helping hand. Carefully providing thoughtful feedback is wonderful. Finding a way to clearly  communicate the monetary value of your product or services is even better. It ensures that others in your network will think of you as a valuable colleague, and opens the door for future business. 

Do you have a helpful tip to share about networking within the social good community? Leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!
